Brand & Business Breakthrough Program Prep Modules
Do the Inner Work & Higher Work for More Freedom, Fortune, Fulfillment & FUN!
Achieve brand clarity, refine your model, define revenue streams, devise packages and prices, hone your message, plan marketing strategy & develop your implementation plan.
Michelle Villalobos
Welcome to The Superstar Business Breakthrough Prep Modules!
[VIDEO] Start Here! Why This Work Matters & Why We Create Business From The INSIDE --> OUT
[VIDEO] How To Scale Your Business: The 7-Step Superstar Pyramid
[INTRO] Module 1 / 1. Identity: Introduction
[VIDEO+WORKSHEET] Module 1 / 2. Exploring Your Wealth Dynamics Results (includes worksheets)
[VIDEO + PDFs] Module I / 3. Understanding The StrengthsFinder Test & What They Mean For You
[PODCAST - OPTIONAL] Module 1 / 4. Michelle's Interview of Roger James Hamilton, Creator of Wealth Dynamics & Genius University
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5a. Wealth Dynamics CREATOR PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5b. Wealth Dynamics STAR PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5c. Wealth Dynamics SUPPORTER PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5d. Wealth Dynamics DEALMAKER PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5e. Wealth Dynamics TRADER PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5f. Wealth Dynamics ACCUMULATOR PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5g. Wealth Dynamics LORD PROFILE Materials
[OPTIONAL DOWNLOADS] Module 1 / 5h. Wealth Dynamics MECHANIC PROFILE Materials
Module 1 Insights
[VIDEO] Module 2 / 1. Your Core Story Part I: Why Your Story Matters & How To Find It
[INTRO & MATERIALS] Module 2 / 2. Your Core Story Intro & Worksheets 2
[VIDEO] Module 2 / 3. Your Core Story Part II: Structuring Your Story To Be Interesting & Inspiring
[OPTIONAL VIDEO] Module 2 / 4. Your Core Story Part III: Incorporate Your Story Into Your Branding 3
[OPTIONAL VIDEO] Module 2 / 5. Michelle's Personal Story
[OPTIONAL PODCAST] Module 2 / 6. Michelle Interviews Strategic Storytelling Coach, Andy Henriquez
[OPTIONAL RESOURCES] Module 2 / 7. Storytelling Resources
Module 2 Insights
[INTRO & MATERIALS] Module 3 / 1. North Star / Purpose / Passion Worksheet as PDF and fillable Word doc
[VIDEO] Module 3 / 2. Getting Started / Overview
[VIDEO] Module 3 / 3. Defining Your Passions
[VIDEO] Module 3 / 4. Defining Your Purpose
[SPREADSHEET] Module 3 / 5. Purpose/Passion Comparison Template (Created by Dave Rosenberg) -- please either download the spreadsheet or "Save A Copy" in order to use / edit
[LOOM] Explainer Video for Module 3/5 Purpose / Passion Comparison Template
Module 3 Insights
[INTRO & DOWNLOADS] Module 4 / 1. Your Core Values
[VIDEO] Module 4 / 2. Aligning Your Business With Your Core Values
Module 4 - Feedback Survey
[INTRO & DOWNLOADS] Module 5 / 1. Time, Money & Team Worksheets (As printable PDF or editable Word file)
[VIDEO] Module 5 / 2. How To Build A Lifestyle Business Part I of III – Your TIME
[VIDEO] Module 5 / 3. How To Build A Lifestyle Business Part II of III – MONEY
[VIDEO] Module 5 / 4. How To Build A Lifestyle Business Part III of III – TEAM
Module 5 - Feedback Survey
[INTRO & DOWNLOADS] Module 6 / 1. Superstar Business Models & Revenue Streams Worksheet (Printable & Editable Files) + Mission Statement Worksheet
[VIDEO] Module 5 / 2. The Superstar Business Framework (AKA: The Superstar Pyramid) [19 minutes]
[VIDEO] Module 5 / 3. Business Model Fundamentals Part I of II: What Is A Business Model, Why It Matters & The First 3 Principles of A Prosperous Model
[VIDEO] Module 6 / 4. Business Model Fundamentals Part II of II: 4 More Principles For A Prosperous Business Model
Module 5 - Feedback Survey
*** NEW *** Module 7 / 1. Intro
[VIDEO & WORKSHEET] Module 7 / 2. Your Ideal Client Avatar Overview & Worksheet [14 minutes]
[VIDEO] Module 7 / 3. Your Ideal Avatar Part Two - Identifying The Center of Your Target [13 minutes]
[VIDEO] Module 7 / 4. Your Ideal Avatar Part Three - Going Deeper [13 minutes]
[INSIGHTS] Module 7 / 5. Insights Gained from Your Ideal Avatar
[VIDEO] Module 7 / 6. Selling Services With Packages And Programs Instead Of Based On Time Or Effort
[OPTIONAL RESOURCE] Pricing Strategies / Insights from "Yes!" by Robert Cialdini
[PDF] Wealth Dynamics Eguide // Overview of Wealth Dynamics + All 8 Types
[DOWNLOAD] StrengthsFinder Themes List & Categories
[PDF] Coach Facilitation Guidelines for Leading Mastermind Sessions